References / feedback
Wenche and Svein
Fattoria Lavacchio / Tuscany
We are incredibly grateful for Daniela's efforts in making our wedding in Italy at Fattoria Lavacchio an unforgettable experience.
From start to finish, the planning exceeded our expectations. Daniela displayed outstanding professionalism, attention to detail, and a great understanding of our desires and needs.
We spent three days at the beautiful Fattoria Lavacchio, enjoying wine tasting, Tuscan dinner, pizza night and the delicious wedding dinner by Annamaria, in truly fantastic surroundings and atmosphere.
Daniela responded quickly to all our questions and created a timeline that worked perfectly on the wedding day! Everything from flower delivery, hairdresser, photographers, musicians, ceremony, dinner, wedding cake and party.
All was handled with great care and expertise, and she has a very good understanding of what Norwegians want in a 'Norwegian wedding' in Italy.
We could not have wished for a better wedding planner, and we highly recommend Daniela to anyone planning a wedding in Italy.
With loving regards, Wenche and Svein
Wedding of Linda & Emil
Piemonte 07.06.2024

We married at the Nizza Monferrato Townhall 7th of June 2024.
As Norwegian citizens, a number of papers were required for the marriage to be valid.
Daniela is always pleasant and serviceminded, as well as highly reliable and efficient dealing with Italian bureaucracy. She guided us through our weddingday in a wonderful way, helping us create memories for a lifetime.
We highly recommend Daniela as your weddingplanner in Italy. Thank you so much, Daniela, we could not have done this without you!
Again, thank you so much for your help!
Take care,
Linda and Emil
Monica & Stian 18.06.2024 Borgo Castelvecchi / Tuscany

Dear Daniella.
Thank you so much for all your help, support, and wonderful service during our wedding in beautiful tuscany, at Castelvecchi Borgo the 18 of june 2024.
Our dreamwedding came true because of your help, and we are just so greatful to you.
During the planning of the wedding you always responded fast on e-mail, you are good at calming the brides nerves when needed (haha), and you've kept an eye on our set budget at all times. The musician, the florist, the location, and the ceremony setup you fixed for us in the beautiful garden of Castelvecchi, they were all PERFECT!
You were so helpful and supporting at both the pizzaparty the day before, and on our big day!
We really felt safe, and we could just enjoy our special moments without any stress Our family and friends still talk about how beautiful everything was, good food, good wine, extremely good service during the dinner party, everybody had an awesome time.
We would recommend your services to all of our friends, and we would choose you again on a heartbeat!
Thank you
Lots of love -Monica and Stian, Norway
Stina & Anders 18.05.2024 Borgo Castelvecchi / Tuscany

Can a wedding planner really make dreams come true?
Daniela can!
From the first contact with Daniela we felt safe and knew we were have meet the right wedding planner for us. To arrange a wedding we were out of our comfortzone, but Daniela was very professional, experienced, honest and made a big effort trying to keep us calm and happy. She had our trust from the beginning because of her lovely personality and her professiolism.
She found the most beautiful potential weddingplaces which we visited and when we arrived at Castelvecchi we were blown away. For us it was a dream place.
A big thank you to Daniela for everything. She understood our dream and read the unsaid and made our wedding the most romantic, special and perfect wedding we could ever imagine. Our love for each other, for our friends
and family grew during our wedding weekend in Toscana.
Thank you Daniela for combine Danish traditions with Italian. Thank you for making all our Danish guests happy and satisfied during the wedding weekend. Thank you for catching all my crazy ideas and make them happen. Thank you for being you - and thank you for making our wedding dreams come true.
Thank you for this time
Stina and Anders
Margrethe and Simen 02.09.2023 Fattoria di Cinciano

My husband Simen and I got married last year in Italy, at the Fattoria di Cinciano.
Everything was fantastic, unique and so beautiful. We were lucky to be in the hands of Daniela, who made sure our special day was everything we dreamed it would be. And it really was.
The location was a solid 10/10. The place, the food, the wine, the vibe. Our family and friends are still talking about it, referring to it as a fairy tale and the best wedding they have ever been to.
Needless to say, the same goes for us. We are so grateful and happy for this experience.
Daniela helped us out with everything we needed from the get go. She made sure we were on time with important decisions, gave great advice and recommendations and went out of her way to make our requests possible.
During our wedding weekend, Daniela made sure the whole day went smoothly and that everything was taken care of. She was a saviour on more than one occasion, and we could tell she really went above and beyond for us. We were so happy to have her as our wedding planner, and we would recommend her to every couple about to get married.
Daniela, we really appreciate everything you did for us. It meant the world for us then, and looking back now.
Thank you so much!
Vigdis og Henning 27.07.2023 Castelsardo / Sardinia

Bryllups- og forturbilder av Lisa Michelle og Frode i Malcesine Gardasjøen 8. juli 2023

Kjære Daniela
Tusen takk for at du skapte vårt drømmebryllup! Som gjestene våre fortsatt snakker om; «vi har aldri vært i et slikt drømme byllup før, det var helt magisk fra start til slutt..».
Du har vært tilstede for oss i hver detalj – du viste tidlig interesse for hvordan vi så for oss bryllupet vårt. Vi ville ha det romantisk, intimt, ved sjøen og ikke «for mye».
Du kartla alt fra ende til annen, forhandlet med ulike leverandører/priser. Vi vurderte ulike steder i Italia, men du anbefalte vakre Malcesine by til oss – et vakrere sted skal man lete lenge etter. Vi ble viet på slottet i Malcesine.
Du anbefalte for å få et avbrekk - en båttur fra havnen med mat og drikke etter vielsen – dette ble en helt magisk båttur med våre gjester da vi fikk se slottet og Malcesine by fra båten. Det ble mange skåler på denne turen
Du anbefalte videre middagsfest på Querceto Hotell hvor vi fikk en uforglemmelig transport i apecar opp fjellsiden for ettermiddagsfest i hotellets hage og basseng område. En helt fantastisk utsikt og nydelig hage!
Du har utvist stor profesjonalitet og punktlighet. Vi ser du elsker jobben din, og ble glad i deg denne lille tiden vi ble kjent. Vi var sammen på pretour i April og vurderte blomster, kake, pynt, transport for våre gjester, meny/drikke, hvor seilskuten gikk fra, slottet, musikk og hotellet hvor festen skulle være – absolutt alt – vi følte oss trygge på at dette ville bli en uforglemmelig dag da vi dro hjem til Oslo igjen etter vår pretour med deg.
Takk for at du skapte vår beste dag i livet!
Du er best og vi vil anbefale deg videre til våre
Gode klemmer fra Lisa & Frode
Bryllup til Marie og Anders i Cinciano 24 juni 2023


Kjære Daniela.
Vi kan ikke takke deg nok for drømmebryllupet du skapte for oss, det finnes ingen ord som strekker til.
Hele bryllupshelgen føles som en drøm for både oss og gjestene. Det ble den mest perfekte helgen og mer, det er ingenting som kunne vært bedre og det er uten tvil den beste helgen i vårt liv.
Alt var perfekt - sted, mat, drikke, bordsetting, pynt, stemning og ikke minst musikk.
Daniela, du skapte et helt uforglemmelig helg med helt utrolige mennesker på laget og du anbefalte oss de beste på alle områder. Du er helt rå og jeg kan ikke anbefale deg nok til alle som ønsker å gifte seg i Italia. Vi har hatt mye kontakt siste året, og du har fulgt opp og vært på fra dag en. Du var med oss da vi reiste rundt for å finne drømmestedet og takket være deg fant vi verdens nydeligste sted Fattoria di Cinciano. Senere var du også med på tastingen i april hvor vi fikk testet både mat, drikke, sminke og hår.
Du har vært og er et utrolig menneske med stålkontroll, høy profesjonalitet og et smittende godt humør. Du har stått stødig hele veien til tross for våre nerver og dro i land det hele med glans.
Vi kommer for alltid til å være veldig takknemlige for alt du har gjort for oss!! Tusen, tusen takk.
Stor klem fra Anders & Marie.
Bryllup og Marita & Sofus 23.06.2023 nærhet Rom

«Daniela var en helt fantastisk bryllupsplanlegger fra start til slutt!
Hun gjorde planleggingsprosessen enkel og hjalp oss med alt fra de store
tingene til de små detaljene. Bryllupet vårt i Roma hadde virkelig ikke
vært det samme uten, vi anbefaler Daniela på det varmeste🤍»
«Daniela was an amazing weddingplanner from start to finish! She made
the planning process so easy for us, and helped us with everything -
both the big stuff and the tiny details. Our wedding in Rome would not
be the same without her, we warmly recommend Daniela as a
Taormina 13. mai 2023 med Bente & Morten

Daniela, tusen takk for ditt store bidrag til å gjøre vår bryllupsdag i Taormina i mai så vellykket. Din tilgjengelighet og gode vurderinger i forhold til ulike leverandører var viktig for en vellykket feiring. Dine kontakter og oppfølging mot italienske myndigheter for å sikre en effektiv i flyt i forhold til formalia var også av uvurderlig hjelp.
Du hadde tett oppfølging gjennom hele planleggingsperioden, og også dagene før selve dagen med din tilstedeværelse i Taormina.
Vi vil gi deg våre beste anbefalinger. Det var en fryd å jobbe sammen med deg.
Hilsen Bente & Morten
Liv Berit og Hjalmar 25.06.2022 Castellabate

Ikke den klassiske lavkonjunkturen, men en gave for evigheten.
Takk Liv og Hjalmar
Dessverre ble ikke bare andre, men også oss berørt av temaet Covid. Vi ville ha planlagt noen vakre bryllup i løpet av denne tiden. Vi synes synd på parene som ikke rakk det og ønsker dem alt godt og håper at dere fortsatt kan gi ordet «ja» og bytte ringene. Lykke til alle sammen...
Hellen og Eirik sa "ja" i San Galgano 22.09.2018

Elice og Jarle giftet seg i Castellabate i slutten av august 2018

Daniela was very helpfull with our wedding.
She did a great job making everything perfect for us. She is so dedicated to her job, she made beautiful wedding decorations, took good care of the us and our guests and she was there for us throughout our stay and handled all the logistics very professional.
We had our dream wedding in the most beautiful place.
We are so happy we chose Daniela as our wedding planner.
Elice and Jarle
Bryllup i Roma med Mette og Per Olaf 23. juni 2018

I remember the photographer, he was a nice and skillful man.
We went to Rome to get married, to a city we know and love. But all the formalities and routines according to getting married in Italy as Norwegians where quite scaring and a small obstacle. We speak a little Italian but not enough to sort out all the paperwork and so on.
We wanted a "cicerone" and got what we needed in you.
Charming, reliable, trustworthy and punctual. Even as an interpreter for the actual ceremony.
For us everything went smoothly and we could enjoy the ceremony and relax. You has our best recommendations Dani.
This photo is the best memory for both of us. Me fooling around and Mette smiling and laughing. It's on our wall in black and white.
Mette & Per Olaf
Bryllup til Camilla & Jo 19.05.2018 San Galgano

Jeg vet ikke engang hvor jeg skal begynne.
Helt tilbake fra å møte deg første gang, reiste rundt i Toscana for å finne det perfekte bryllupsstedet, visste vi at bryllupet vårt ville være perfekt!
Og nå har vi dere to å takke for bryllupet vi drømmer om.
Takk for at du leder oss i riktig retning. For å velge Fattoria di Cinciano som vårt bryllupssted.
Takk for at du tåler meg og frustrasjonen og bryllupsnervene mine.
Takk Daniela for at du ble med på matsmakingen og for at du er en dårlig forhandler.
Takk for at du fikset alt med majoren og for at du gjorde seremonien helt fantastisk.
Takk for at du følger opp, konstant positiv og smilende.
Vi hadde ikke klart det uten deg!
Takk for at du serverer iskrem 17. mai, grilling 18. mai og danser på bryllupsdagen vår som Beauty and The Beast.
"Be our Guest" har aldri vært bedre enn det!
Dere to har en spesiell plass i våre hjerter, og vi setter stor pris på alt dere gjorde for å lage drømmebryllupet vårt.
Tusen takk!
Masse kjærlighet fra Jo Eivind og Camilla Paaeventyr Bergundhaugen
Margit & Hallgeir

We have phantastic memories from our wedding by Lake Garda. Daniela and Ida had all the knowledge and contacts necessary to make our wedding-day exactly as we wished for.
They planned everything in detail, making sure our preferences and dreams came through.During our wedding-day they made sure every step went smoothly both for our guests and ourselves, so that we could fully enjoy our day.
We strongly recommend Daniella as a wedding-planner. We were also highly satisfied with Gianmarco, the photographer.
Margit and Hallgeir
Therese & Øivind

We are very pleased with the help we received in connection with the planning and implementation of our wedding in Rome. The planning started well in advance and we got a lot of good options based on the wishes we made.
The day was perfect and we could not have asked for a better wedding. Thank you for making this day one we will never forget.”
Therese & Øivind
Malcesine 22. oktober 2016 med Roger & Cathrine

Hei til dere i Italia Bryllup Vi er så fornøyd med alt du og dere i Italiabryllup har gjort for oss i anledning vårt bryllup. Alt fra forslag på byer og steder i Italia som kunne innfri våre forventninger og skape en perfekt ramme for bryllupet til selve gjennomføringen fra A til Å. Spesielt glad er vi for at du introduserte oss for den vakre middelalderbyen Malcesine med borgen Castello Scaligero hvor vi hadde selv vielsen. Det ble helt perfekt med nærheten til hotellet og restaurant Malcesine hvor bryllupsmiddag og -festen ble holdt. Når gjestene våre etterpå bruker ord som «eventyrbryllup» eller «drømmebryllup» akkompagnert med blanke øyne for å takke eller mimre tilbake på helgen i Malcesine, - så sier det alt: Vi er så takknemlig og glad for ALT dere har gjort. Vi har ingen problemer med å anbefale deg til andre.

Toscana Marte & Even 10. september 2016

We got married in beautiful Tuscany, Italy, september 10th 2016.
Originally we hired a norwegian wedding planner situated in Italy, and she was working with Daniela.
We met Dani for the first time over a few days in Italy, months before the wedding, to go over all the planning and make decisions.
Our experience with Dani is that she is a very dedicated and good wedding planner. She is fierce, and gets shit done, to say it bluntly.
Dani made great suggestions, and always had a solution to any problem.
She dedicated her time, and took us cake tasting, wine tasting, to the hairdresser, flower shop etc.
We felt she always had our best interest in mind, that we weren't "just" clients, and that we could relax and trust that it would all work out (take it from a control freak).
We would happily recommend her as a wedding planner!
Deborah og Nils Taormina 1 august 2016

Hyggelige tilbakemelding fra flotte Deborah og Nils som giftet seg i Taormina 1 august. Vi i Italiabryllup ønsker brudeparret ett langt og godt liv sammen. Viva i sposi:-)
"Fra første kontakt med ITALIA BRYLLUP har vi fått veldig god service og hjelp til å arrangere vårt bryllup - på Sicilia, i den vakre
byen Taormina. I nydelige omgivelser ble vi høytidelig viet av byens
ordfører. Bryllupsmiddagen var fantastisk i stilfulle omgivelser med
vakker utsikt. Vi er takknemlige og kan varmt anbefale ITALIA BRYLLUP med Ida og Daniela.
Deborah og Nils"
Monique og Henning

Det finnes ingen ord for å beskrive hvor utrolig Daniela er! Bryllupet vårt i Toscana var den mest fantastiske dagen i våre liv, og det er absolutt ingen måte det ville ha skjedd uten henne. Vi har base i Oslo, Norge, og måtte derfor arrangere bryllupet fra utlandet, noe som betydde at Daniela løp rundt for oss i Italia. Vi var stort sett i kontakt med henne, og snakket via e-post flere ganger i uken. Hennes tålmodighet, vilje og viktigst av alt evnen til å få ting gjort var mer enn fantastisk. Takk fra bunnen av våre hjerter - du er en utrolig dyktig bryllupsplanlegger og vi vil være evig takknemlige for alt ditt harde arbeid og støtte i planleggingen av det som var den beste helgen i livene våre!
Dear Ida Thank you so much for the wonderful help. Our wedding was even more than we had dreamed of. Your recommendations, experience and enthusiasm resulted in dream wedding. We could just enjoy ... Fransesco sang wonderfully, the place is just beautiful. We are grateful and happy to experience this journey. Hugs Einar and Trine
"Dear Ida.
Now we are probably home after a completely magical trip. We would like to thank you for all the good help. You have come up with many good ideas and suggestions on how we could make the day perfect, and we got it! We enjoyed ourselves from morning to night, and the best part was that we could just enjoy every second. We are absolutely impressed with the table setting, flowers, the food was wonderful and the wedding something very special. The people who played music were so good, and we look forward to seeing all the pictures from the photographer.
All the guests had a super long weekend and they have boasted a lot about the place. Good service, nice rooms and not least incredibly good food.
Thank you for all the good help and for getting to know you.
Regards Cecilia & Per "
To Ida!
I would like to thank you once again for a wonderful wedding you managed to make for us in Desenzano on Lake Garda in Italy. It was just as cozy and beautiful as we wanted. It was a little scary to sit in Norway and have to say what we wanted for the day and not be able to physically see where the wedding was going to be before we arrived down and just send you pictures of flowers and colors that we wanted. So the joy was great that everything turned out the way we wanted. Both of colors, the place and and that you managed to get what we wanted. We had a wonderful day and so did our family and friends. Very nice that the staff at the hotel managed to do so everyone of all ages had a great long weekend. We would love to go there again :)
Thanks for all the help with our day!
With best regards
Espen and Tone :)

Our Magical Wedding on a Beach in Italy, June 2015, Sardinia
We had decided to combine wedding and holiday, we notified everyone one year in advance, so that everyone had the opportunity to plan well in advance. Planning a wedding in Italy does not create much work when you have a wedding planner who is well known in Italy and has good locations. I had decided in advance the colors I wanted, and when the place we were going to get married was decided, I could plan how I wanted it to be decorated. Not necessary at all, but I wanted to have a personal touch to the day. From Norway I brought napkins, light bubbles to hang from the ceiling, table cards and table decorations. I checked out how we could have the tables and planned the table location before we left, so that when we came down it was just to instruct how it should be. Ida was helpful with everything, she made beautiful menu cards in the style of the rest of our decorations, drove us to our appointments and showed genuine joy and a desire that we should have a great wedding. I was skeptical of using Italian hairdresser, completely unfounded, she was amazing, I have typical Scandinavian blonde hair that she turned into a creature in itself, just the way I wanted but did not think was possible.
And the day was truly magical, the altar tent fluttered in the evening wind with beautiful flower arrangements, blue sky against the blue sea, all our near and dear ones gathered. We had a wonderful singer, who sang us down to the beach and during the ceremony, opera. There was not a single eye that was not wet with tears. It was the mayor who married us, he was stately dressed and brought his family with us, which we were allowed to greet. The setting around us could not have been more beautiful.
The food was exceptional, we had aperitif before dinner, good wines and delicious dessert. I brought with me from Norway the bride and groom who were to stand on top of the wedding cake, that was the icing on the cake. The room was right next to the beach, so we got to see the pink sky that was reflected in the sea before the stars popped up in the sky. We ended the dinner with everyone going to the beach and sending up Chinese lanterns, a symbol of one wish for a good future
Jannicke and Kai

bryllup i italia

bryllup i italia

bryllupsplanlegger i italia

bryllup utlandet



vielse strand italia